Webtool Safety Culture Ladder

La Safety Culture Ladder est une méthode d’évaluation permettant de mesurer la sensibilisation à la sécurité et les actions consciemment sûres (culture et comportement) dans les entreprises. L'accent est mis sur la culture de sécurité de l'organisation.

Grâce à cet outil web, les entreprises peuvent réaliser une auto-évaluation dans le cadre d'une démarche de certification. L'auto-évaluation peut également être réalisée séparément d'un processus de certification. Par exemple, comme mesure de base ou pour se familiariser avec les aspects du SCL de manière accessible. Des questionnaires sont disponibles pour évaluer la culture de sécurité dans votre organisation.

Try it yourself
Your safety culture in one view

New version

SAQ Compact 2.0

The new version of the SAQ Compact has been published. This version is automatically loaded when creating a new SAQ Compact questionnaire. Please log in en read in the release notes what has been changed compared to the older version.

Want to know more about the SCL?

Here you will find more information about:

Online Dossier

The web tool gives you access to an online file. You can place your own documents in this file, including the SAQ report, GAP analysis, an action plan, a statement. As a user, you can give third parties (for example a certifying institution or purchaser) access to these documents.

For readers of the Online dossier

Do you work for a CI? Or are you a client/buyer? As a reader, you have access to the Online file of your customers/contractors. You will receive an email from NEN to create a password. You can then log in with your e-mail address and password and view the documents from the Online File.


Would you like to learn more about the Safety Culture Ladder?

Information meetings about the SCL and ViA

NEN organizes information meetings for organizations that want to get started with the SCL or have questions about ViA. NEN, a certifying institution and someone from the ViA working group are present during these meetings. We deliberately keep these meetings small. This way, all your questions about certification on the SCL and ViA can be answered.

Introduction to the Safety Culture Ladder

This introductory training focuses on the content and structure of the requirements of the Safety Culture Ladder. The training is interesting for anyone who wants to learn more about the background and structure of the schedule.

More information